Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dreaming of travel

My brother and his partner are heading overseas in April to explore the wonders of Europe. I'm so happy that they have this chance to go and see a part of the world that neither of them have seen before, but at the same time I'm totally jealous. Since spending a year in the Netherlands in 2006, then heading to West Timor in Dec 2007 for a 2 week mission exposure trip, I've been hit with the travel bug. Unfortunately I haven't been anywhere since West Timor, meaning I haven't been anywhere in over 3 years. That may not seem like a long time to many people, especially those who are not inclined to travel, but for me, it's a lifetime. I'm not saying that I want to leave everything that I'm doing here in Adelaide, because I believe that this is the place that God wants me to be and I'm doing the things that I believe God wants me to do. The thing is that I keep dreaming about heading overseas and I just can't seem to get there.

Now I've started a job which I'm locked into for 2 years, with no chance of overseas travel. I'm hoping that in this time I can have some holidays around Australia and see a bit more of this beautiful country. I'm excited about that, but it's just not the same. There are so many places around the world that I want to go to, and so many things I want to see. At the moment though, I guess I'll just have to keep dreaming and maybe even start planning some travels for 2013...

Friday, March 11, 2011

What to do with a life

ok so I was thinking today. Big step I know, especially since I've been sick for a week. Anyway, I was thinking about all the things that I would like to do with my time and the things I would like to change. I've realised that I have no idea what I do with my time and that I need to use it more efficiently. The question is, what do I do with this time? There seems to be many things to do, but what is really of any benefit? I see people with neat houses and the dishes always done and think 'I should really spend more time doing housework, so that I'm not living in a dump'. Then I see people who are really great at making time for other people and really investing in their lives and i think 'I should really spend more time investing in relationships with other people'. Then I go to people's places and they've prepared an awesome, healthy meal and I think 'I should really cook more and eat healthier'. Then I hear about people who are so well read that I can't imagine having read that many books and think' I should really spend more time reading, especially books with meaning'. Then I see people who haven't got weight issues and think 'I really should exercise more if I want to loose some weight'.

The though occured to me today that it's really not at all possible to do everything, so what is it that we should be focusing on? Is it possible to do a little bit more of each of these good pursuits? Is that even a realistic option? And then there's the question of what things I would rather be doing? I would take catching up with a friend over the dishes any day, but those things still need doing. Also, what do I spend my time on, if not the things that I want to be better at/have more time for. Sometimes I just feel as if my head is going to explode with all of the issues and ideas that are going around in it. That's why I procrastinate so much and end up doing nothing, or things that really don't matter, such as writing this blog...