Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why I do what I do

Most of you will already know that I'm doing something called a 'Ministry Apprenticeship'. This is really 2 years of looking at ministry to see what it's like and to get some hands on experience. I'm doing my apprenticeship at a university, working mostly with Christian uni students aged anywhere between 17 and 50! I've done 1 year of these 2 years, meaning that I'm half way, and ready to reflect on why I love what I do so much.

Sometimes when you're working it's so easy to get bogged down in the 'doing' and to not really think about the motivations or reasons behind what you're doing (both short- and long-term). Last night I was reminded yet again about the benefits and joys of uni ministry. Some of the 'older' students where on a panel being asked questions by a crowd of enthusiastic students who were mostly new to the group. One of these questions was 'what's the best thing about the group'. I thought the responses where enlightening and very exciting! Behind the gist of the answers were two main ideas. The first was about the community of the group. Being in a group with fellow Christians is a great privilge and the unity that is felt from having such an important part of our lives (that is Christ) in common is amazing. The second idea was about the personal spiritual growth that has occured due to the teaching and training within the group. This last one is very special to me, because it's also the story of my involvement in the group when I was a student.

University is a time when young people are given freedom (especially if you've moved out of home to go to uni) and for many this is their first taste. It allows you to test your boundaries and work out who you are and make your own decisions about what to do with your life. All this freedom can sometimes get a bit much. That was the case with me. It was through the teaching within the group at uni that I was able to put some perspective back into my life and to grow in my knowledge and love of Jesus.

I love hearing about people who are on a journey of continued discovery and growth in Jesus. The best part of my job is being able to walk with them through that and to be a signpost pointing to Jesus and to God. Being able to open God's word with people and to discuss it, be challenged by it, and see it transforming people's lives is such a blessing. Are you experiencing this transformation in your life? Are you seeing God working in the lives of people around you? Be on the look out for these things and tell people about them, because that's one way of testifying to God and His powerful work in the world. And lastly, tell me (as I said, I love hearing about people's journeys of growth)!

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