Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Although this blog is brand new today, I've decided to cut down the amount of blogs I've started over the last 3 years and put them into one. This means all the old posts from the other blogs are now on here. This isn't as many posts as you would think. Over 3 years I've barely written more than 20 posts. So again I'm going to try and see if I can make this blog thing work.

My aim is to write weekly and my motivation is to become someone who reflects on things more than I already do. I'm what you would call a 'doer'. I do things. I plan, organise, spend time with people, read books, etc. I don't just sit and think. It bores me. I remember having a conversation with one of my previous housemates about what I think about. She has words that pop into her head and she thinks about them. I don't have anything. I'm not saying I'm an airhead and that I don't think, it's just that there never really seems to be things that 'pop' into my head. I usually think when I talk to people, so I usually talk a fair bit. I want to be someone who contemplates life, who thinks about what's going on around her, rather than just watches the world go by. Hopefully this blog will help me. If I make myself sit down and write something, anything, then maybe I'll learn to think about things more, and without needing to be talking to someone.

Hopefully i'll think about a whole range of things, and you're more than welcome to come along for the ride.

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