Saturday, March 13, 2010


What is living?! Is it simply breathing? Or is it more than that? Sometimes I think I'm living then other times I think I'm not. I mean lets take today for instance. I went into uni for an hour to culture cells. Then I went back to bed, not getting up until 1pm. Then watched a movie and ate pancakes. Am now on the internet doing nothing much of anything. Tonight I'm catching up with a friend and going to an outdoor cinema to watch another movie. Is that living?! Or do the days like today just make the days when you do more 'lively' things make you feel like you're living?

When I spent a year in the Netherlands, I don't really recall doing much 'living' in the sense that I did amazing and exciting things often. But then again I did go travelling, saw places, and experienced life. Is that what living's about? Is it simply just experiencing things? Am I looking at 'living' in a totally wrong perspective? Maybe living is just surviving each day and getting to the next.

From a Christian perspective, to live is Christ (Philippians 1:21), which spurs me on to live a life for him and in him. That means that nothing I do in Christ should be boring and 'not living'. But not everything in life can be exciting. Some things are just simple, and there's nothing wrong with simple, but I want more. I want the exciting life. I want to experience life and all it has to offer. I want to explore God's world and the people he has put in it. I want to live...

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