Monday, June 7, 2010

Oh the freedom

Have you ever felt the freedom that you get when you hand in an assignment? Especially an assignment that was really hard to write or just felt like it took forever to write? Well that's me right now. The whole focus of my study in the last couple of weeks has been this literature review, and now it's over. I feel great, but also a tad lost. Having had that as the centre of what I do for so long and now not having's kind of strange. I'm sure that things will pick up soon enough, and before I know it, I'll again have more than I can handle.

So the next question is what to do next. Well today I'm not doing anything else. I'm leaving the lab soon and there's not much point starting something for a very short time. So basically that's why I'm writting this. I haven't written anything for a while, so I thought I would...although there's not really any point, seeing as though no-one actually reads this. In a way that's a good thing. It's like a special diary just for me. You may then ask, what's the point of doing it here and not actually in a diary? My answer to that is no answer at all. I don't know. Maybe I think that if I write this where others CAN read it, then it's like I'm writing this for you. Even though there is no you reading this. I could get a diary and pretend it's a person and give it a name, but I think I'm a bit old for that. In fact I'm probably a bit old for this too. Wow...that makes me sound old...I'm not really, I swear!

Anyway, just some thoughts that are going through my pre-assignment scattered brain. Hope you (if 'you' even exist) enjoy reading this! If not, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading over it in a while and wondering what was going on in my head...

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