Sunday, January 23, 2011


wow. it's been a while. Clearly I've been caught up in my life and have not bothered to write down any thoughts. So I thought when's better than now? Having finished uni I'm thinking about all the changes that are happening to my life and the lives of those around me. The change that's really getting to me is the change that's happening in other people's lives. Good friends are moving away for work and becoming respectable people, like teachers. Friends are getting full-time jobs and are no longer going to be so flexible with their time. I'm finding it hard to say good-bye to people and not knowing when I'll see them again. I should be used to this kind of thing, but I'm just not.

I guess I too am going to have a job this year. Hopefully it will be one job full-time and I'm looking forward to it, but it stills seems so far off. Plans are coming together and are being made, but there's still so much uncertainty. I guess that's why it doesn't seem that real. I think there's some part of me that just doesn't think that I'll ever get a job, especially one that I want. But I know that it's up to God and I know that He will be working in my life to give me the job He wants, and seriously, what more can I ask for?

At church today I was reminded of what the cost of following Jesus is, as well as the cost of NOT following Him. I'm so lucky to be a follower of Jesus, yet sometimes I think about what this means for me and think 'am I really living this out in my life?'. I guess leaving my life in its entirety, meaning my relationships, career, finances and time, in God's hands is following Him and letting Him be the one in control of my life.

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