Saturday, August 13, 2011

Waiting's not fun. Yet there's so much to be waiting for. Your friend to meet you at the cafe for coffee, someone to pick you up and drive you to an event, money to transfer through the bank, love, pay day, a chance to travel and the birth of a child, just to give you a few examples. Sometimes it's hard to wait for these things, especially if they're the 'bigger' or more long-term things in life. We can get fixated on these things and wonder if they're ever going to happen. I wonder if by now some of the things I'm waiting for have happened to you.

Despite all of the things that we wait for, there is in life
ultimately one thing worth waiting for that's much bigger and much more important than all these things put together. That's the return of Jesus Christ our Saviour and King. One day He will return to this earth. For those who trust in Him there will be joy and deliverance from the punishment we deserve, but for those who don't trust in Him, there will be sadness and the punishment we deserve. Although this is a foreign concept to many people, I hope that this is something that you still know. Whenever you are waiting for something to happen, remember this and fix your eyes on Him who is to come.

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